Collage of Staylive's graphics and images

Case Study

Sector-wide Contractor Induction

Establishing the standard for contractor induction across the electricity generation sector

About our Client

StayLive was founded in 2011 by NZ's five largest electricity generators with the goal of driving sustainable improvement in health, safety and wellbeing in the industry.  StayLive membership now includes the Health and Safety Managers and Operations Managers from: Genesis, Mercury, Meridian, Nova, Contact, Manawa, Pioneer, MB Century, Hutec and the Electricity Engineers Association.

Their Brief

StayLive identified some inconsistency and inefficiency in health and safety (H&S) training within the electrical industry in New Zealand.  Contractors and employees transitioning between companies were spending excessive time on training and experiencing unnecessary repetition or mixed messages.  This also resulted in duplicated training costs for companies.

Development of an industry-wide induction was a priority project. StayLive were looking for a partner to create a unified industry induction so that people entering their sites are equipped to make good decisions to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Our Role

Because Optimism has a lot of experience in industry H&S and had worked previously with several of the core members, we were approached to partner with StayLive on this project.

Our first step was to agree on objectives and scope of content with the large group of stakeholders. From there, together we designed an induction that not only promotes best practices but fosters a culture of safety.

We developed a media rich learning solution that incorporated real life examples and sites & scenarios representative of the whole energy generation sector.  Short animations reinforced key messages and robust assessment was threaded all the way through to consolidate learning in each area.

The induction was developed to be device responsive to cater for a field-based workforce.

Their Results

StayLive has:

  • Provided a clear and consistent induction for employees and contractors across the electricity sector in New Zealand
  • Reduced the time contractors spend in H&S training to be able to work across companies and sites
  • Reduced the cost to companies of contractors duplicated H&S training
  • Removed the duplication and repetition of base H&S training for employees changing companies within the energy industry.
snippet of staylive rise module
hazard explainer video
Labeled graphic interactive image of the powerplant with hotspots
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Sector-wide Contractor Induction

Establishing the standard for contractor induction across the electricity generation sector

About our Client

StayLive was founded in 2011 by NZ's five largest electricity generators with the goal of driving sustainable improvement in health, safety and wellbeing in the industry.  StayLive membership now includes the Health and Safety Managers and Operations Managers from: Genesis, Mercury, Meridian, Nova, Contact, Manawa, Pioneer, MB Century, Hutec and the Electricity Engineers Association.

Their Brief

StayLive identified some inconsistency and inefficiency in health and safety (H&S) training within the electrical industry in New Zealand.  Contractors and employees transitioning between companies were spending excessive time on training and experiencing unnecessary repetition or mixed messages.  This also resulted in duplicated training costs for companies.

Development of an industry-wide induction was a priority project. StayLive were looking for a partner to create a unified industry induction so that people entering their sites are equipped to make good decisions to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Our Role

Because Optimism has a lot of experience in industry H&S and had worked previously with several of the core members, we were approached to partner with StayLive on this project.

Our first step was to agree on objectives and scope of content with the large group of stakeholders. From there, together we designed an induction that not only promotes best practices but fosters a culture of safety.

We developed a media rich learning solution that incorporated real life examples and sites & scenarios representative of the whole energy generation sector.  Short animations reinforced key messages and robust assessment was threaded all the way through to consolidate learning in each area.

The induction was developed to be device responsive to cater for a field-based workforce.

Their Results

StayLive has:

  • Provided a clear and consistent induction for employees and contractors across the electricity sector in New Zealand
  • Reduced the time contractors spend in H&S training to be able to work across companies and sites
  • Reduced the cost to companies of contractors duplicated H&S training
  • Removed the duplication and repetition of base H&S training for employees changing companies within the energy industry.
snippet of staylive rise module
hazard explainer video
Labeled graphic interactive image of the powerplant with hotspots
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