chorus logo on pink/purple gradient

Case Study

Asbestos Awareness and H&S Induction

Embedding a safety culture around critical risks for Delivery Specialists

About our Client

Chorus is a leading telecommunications infrastructure company playing a crucial role in providing ultra-fast broadband and network services across the country.

Their Brief

Based on internal incident reporting and other industry data, Chorus identified a critical safety and wellbeing risk within its typical business operations: Asbestos. They needed to increase awareness of this critical risk and help their Delivery Specialists to keep themselves and others safe at all times.

At this time Chorus were in the process of setting up a new LMS, so we future proofed the module for LMS implementation while providing an interim solution that generated a completion certificate for the user and automated the delivery of data to the learning team to track completions.

After the success of the Asbestos Awareness learning solution, Chorus asked us to create a second solution, Corporate Health and Safety Induction, for their 1000 corporate staff.

Our Role

For both modules, our starting point was to collaborate with Chorus to gain a clear understanding of their objectives and desired outcomes for the learning solution.

We worked closely with their subject matter experts make sure that the content was accurate, relevant and would really connect with their staff.  

To create immersive simulations that would really hit home, we designed custom imagery to safely replicate unsafe situations as well as utilised existing media from Chorus' extensive media library featuring work sites.  Using this media we crafted scenarios that replicated real life situations as closely as possible.

Their Results

Chorus is now able to:

  • provide a targeted, on demand learning solution for their Delivery Specialists in working safely around asbestos
  • mitigate the risk of their Delivery Specialists or the public being harmed by asbestos
  • increase Health and Safety reporting among the corporate staff
  • support Health and Safety reps by promoting Chorus' safety culture and reducing complacency
Interactive module slide, users click different parts of powerpole to find out more
Interactive risk matrix
Step by step slide in module
Select the risks in this scene, interactive slide
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Asbestos Awareness and H&S Induction

Embedding a safety culture around critical risks for Delivery Specialists

About our Client

Chorus is a leading telecommunications infrastructure company playing a crucial role in providing ultra-fast broadband and network services across the country.

Their Brief

Based on internal incident reporting and other industry data, Chorus identified a critical safety and wellbeing risk within its typical business operations: Asbestos. They needed to increase awareness of this critical risk and help their Delivery Specialists to keep themselves and others safe at all times.

At this time Chorus were in the process of setting up a new LMS, so we future proofed the module for LMS implementation while providing an interim solution that generated a completion certificate for the user and automated the delivery of data to the learning team to track completions.

After the success of the Asbestos Awareness learning solution, Chorus asked us to create a second solution, Corporate Health and Safety Induction, for their 1000 corporate staff.

Our Role

For both modules, our starting point was to collaborate with Chorus to gain a clear understanding of their objectives and desired outcomes for the learning solution.

We worked closely with their subject matter experts make sure that the content was accurate, relevant and would really connect with their staff.  

To create immersive simulations that would really hit home, we designed custom imagery to safely replicate unsafe situations as well as utilised existing media from Chorus' extensive media library featuring work sites.  Using this media we crafted scenarios that replicated real life situations as closely as possible.

Their Results

Chorus is now able to:

  • provide a targeted, on demand learning solution for their Delivery Specialists in working safely around asbestos
  • mitigate the risk of their Delivery Specialists or the public being harmed by asbestos
  • increase Health and Safety reporting among the corporate staff
  • support Health and Safety reps by promoting Chorus' safety culture and reducing complacency
Interactive module slide, users click different parts of powerpole to find out more
Interactive risk matrix
Step by step slide in module
Select the risks in this scene, interactive slide
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