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Case Study

Construction Procurement Framework

Lifting the procurement standard across the construction sector

About our Client

The Construction Sector Accord is a joint commitment from government and industry to work together to create a high performing construction sector for a better Aotearoa New Zealand.

In 2020, the Construction Sector Accord released its first three-year Transformation Plan which set out guiding principles for culture change and outlined initiatives to help the sector achieve the goals of increasing productivity, raising capability, improving resilience, and restoring the sector's confidence, pride and reputation.

The Accord has become a platform to meet some of the key challenges facing the sector, including skills and labour shortages, climate change, unclear regulations, a lack of coordinated leadership, an uncertain pipeline of work and a culture of shifting risk.

Their Brief

The Construction Sector Accord intends to develop a construction procurement leadership programme as part of its transformation plan for the construction and infrastructure sector in New Zealand. As part of this the Accord is looking to commission the first step in developing a capability/competency framework for Construction Procurement Leaders.

Our Role

To ensure a robust framework, we started by researching and reviewing relevant materials, including the Government Procurement capability framework, Construction Sector Accords’ Best Practice Guidelines and templates, and Australia’s construction procurement framework.  

After selecting and inviting stakeholders and industry experts to be involved (government, local government, private companies and consultancies), we asked the participants to complete a short online survey.  Their collective responses, along with our research, provided us with foundational data which informed our approach to the framework.

We facilitated a one-day focus group with our stakeholders and experts’ group to shape the framework’s structure, style and substance.  From here it was extensively reviewed and refined to become The Construction and Infrastructure Procurement Capability Framework.

Their Results

The Framework consists of 75 capability statements across the 9 key categories.

It has been published, and made publicly available, so that:

  • Construction and Infrastructure Procurers can assess themselves and identify what capabilities they need to develop further
  • Organisations can select and recruit using the framework, and assess the gaps in their construction and infrastructure procurement teams
  • The Construction Sector Accord can identify or develop programmes to support the development of capability across the industry.

Refer to the Construction and Infrastructure Procurers Capability Framework.

NB.  From here, we expect to create an online assessment tool with associated report and recommendations, to increase the usability of the framework.

Really pleased with how this has turned out!
Construction Procurement Leader

Capability framework manual cover
Capability framework manual contents page
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Construction Procurement Framework

Lifting the procurement standard across the construction sector

About our Client

The Construction Sector Accord is a joint commitment from government and industry to work together to create a high performing construction sector for a better Aotearoa New Zealand.

In 2020, the Construction Sector Accord released its first three-year Transformation Plan which set out guiding principles for culture change and outlined initiatives to help the sector achieve the goals of increasing productivity, raising capability, improving resilience, and restoring the sector's confidence, pride and reputation.

The Accord has become a platform to meet some of the key challenges facing the sector, including skills and labour shortages, climate change, unclear regulations, a lack of coordinated leadership, an uncertain pipeline of work and a culture of shifting risk.

Their Brief

The Construction Sector Accord intends to develop a construction procurement leadership programme as part of its transformation plan for the construction and infrastructure sector in New Zealand. As part of this the Accord is looking to commission the first step in developing a capability/competency framework for Construction Procurement Leaders.

Our Role

To ensure a robust framework, we started by researching and reviewing relevant materials, including the Government Procurement capability framework, Construction Sector Accords’ Best Practice Guidelines and templates, and Australia’s construction procurement framework.  

After selecting and inviting stakeholders and industry experts to be involved (government, local government, private companies and consultancies), we asked the participants to complete a short online survey.  Their collective responses, along with our research, provided us with foundational data which informed our approach to the framework.

We facilitated a one-day focus group with our stakeholders and experts’ group to shape the framework’s structure, style and substance.  From here it was extensively reviewed and refined to become The Construction and Infrastructure Procurement Capability Framework.

Their Results

The Framework consists of 75 capability statements across the 9 key categories.

It has been published, and made publicly available, so that:

  • Construction and Infrastructure Procurers can assess themselves and identify what capabilities they need to develop further
  • Organisations can select and recruit using the framework, and assess the gaps in their construction and infrastructure procurement teams
  • The Construction Sector Accord can identify or develop programmes to support the development of capability across the industry.

Refer to the Construction and Infrastructure Procurers Capability Framework.

NB.  From here, we expect to create an online assessment tool with associated report and recommendations, to increase the usability of the framework.

Really pleased with how this has turned out!
Construction Procurement Leader

Capability framework manual cover
Capability framework manual contents page
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